Believing ~ Creyendo

Anchored in our belief, we release personal idols to align with God’s will, as revealed through Jesus

Sirviendo ~ Serving

Embracing one another, we serve each other and our community, irrespective of differences.

Creciendo ~ Growing

Learning from one another’s diverse backgrounds, we grow together, embodying His love in every endeavor.

Loving ~ Amando

We love our community as God has loved us, and serve each other’s needs and desires.

Shoreline is

"...a church who loves and worships Jesus Christ. We are a United Gospel-Centered church, who hopes to see our city healed and changed by Jesus Christ because life can be hard, and choices can be confusing, but you don't have to go at it alone. Come and join us as we learn how to love, grow, believe and serve Jesus together."

-Lead Pastor Jon Harris

There is so much more to know about us!


Be Ready in Season and out of Season March 2, 2025


Shoreline Community Church

935 San Andres Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 | 805-963-4228

Sunday Services
Join Us In Person at 9:00am for our English Service and 11:00am for out Spanish Service

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4:30pm | Friday & Saturday: Closed